Laura Buckley, A Little More Bonding, 2009 / £150.00

Laura Buckley, <i>A Little More Bonding</i>, 2009 Laura Buckley, <i>A Little More Bonding</i>, 2009 Laura Buckley, <i>A Little More Bonding</i>, 2009 Laura Buckley, <i>A Little More Bonding</i>, 2009 Laura Buckley, <i>A Little More Bonding</i>, 2009

On Sale!

Perspex and wood
15 x 15 x 15 cm
Edition of 30

Produced to coincide with the group exhibition, Material Presence, Zabludowicz Collection, London, 11 September - 13 December 2008.

Fusing together sculptural installation and moving image, Laura Buckley investigates the potential of light, sound and surface. The works overwhelm the gallery space, employing reflective materials and sculptural objects to bathe the viewer in projected light. Blurring the boundaries between artwork and gallery space, the installations reveal their own technicality and disrupt the conventions of display. Recordings from the artist’s daily life are combined with experimental sound and colour compositions, which often investigate their own materiality. Using scanners, Buckley feeds distorted digital prints back into video, creating a meshing of body and technologies.

All proceeds from our editions are split equally between the artist and the Zabludowicz Collection.


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